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  1. Jana
    June 4, 2021 @ 4:14 pm

    Fahuge dhiraasaathakun dhakkaa gothugai ves shukuruveri vumaky kaamiyaabee ah nuhanu muhimmu kamekeve. Amilla viyafaarithakaai bodethi muassasaathah kaamiyaabu kamaa eky kuriaruvaa faraaiy thakuge eh aadha aky emeehun shukuruverivaa kanthah komme dhuvaheh nimeyiru list kurumeve. Nafsaanee balimadu kamuge faruvaa ah ekamuge maahirun balimeehunnah dhey naseyhathaky ‘gratitude journal’ eh gengulhumeve. Ey shukuruverivaa kanthah note kuran gengulhey fothekeve.

    Hama yageenunves alhugandumenge haqeeqaiy emme molhah dhenevodigenvaa faraathakay alhamenge rabbeve. Allah eve.


  2. Noor
    June 4, 2021 @ 5:48 pm

    Love these posts!! May Allah SWT bless you❤


    • Jana
      June 5, 2021 @ 5:11 am

      May Allah bless you too. Ameen! <3


  3. Nymph
    June 7, 2021 @ 4:40 am

    Vvv inspiring love this Jana 🥰


    • Jana
      June 8, 2021 @ 3:05 pm

      Alhamdhulillah! Glad you got inspired. Please do share the msgs you benefit from with your friends In Sha Allah <3


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