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1 Comment

  1. Jana
    February 2, 2024 @ 4:15 pm

    “What is meant for you will reach you even if it be underneath two mountains.”

    Alhamdhulillah (All praise and thanks belong to Allah). No doubt He is the best of Planners and I could not help but think that I can’t even plan a story as well as He plans our lives.

    Subhaanallah it has been one challenging, long journey with this story. I cant help but say that it is only by the Will of Allah I was able to complete this story. There is no ease except what He makes easy and there is no resilience except what He allows.

    As for my next story, I have already planned one. But like I said before, I only plan to upload it once I have written at least a significant number of episodes. In the mean time, I plan to complete the series ‘Badhaluvaa hayaaiy’. I do have other plans in mind too but I only want to take on projects one at a time from now.

    Hope you benefited from this story too, readers! May Allah allow us to do more good deeds purely for Him and make us from those who are sincere. Ameen! ❤



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