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  1. Jana
    July 17, 2021 @ 4:05 pm

    Assalaam’alaikum. Jana vvv bodah baliveema comment thakah reply nukurevi mi bai mihaa lasvy. ekamaku varah dhigukoh genesdhevunyma ufaavejje Alhamdhulillah!

    In Sha Allah Jana maadhamaa comment thakah reply kohdheynan. adhi mi bayaa gulhey kudhi kudhi post thah comment thakuge therey himanaalaanan In Sha Allah! <3 Much love! Stay safe!


    • Ibaa
      July 17, 2021 @ 5:14 pm

      It’s okay sis. Shafakillahi 💖.. Take youre time sis..


      • Jana
        July 18, 2021 @ 8:56 am

        Jazaakillah Khairan sis! <3


  2. Ibaa
    July 17, 2021 @ 5:12 pm

    Woww vrh reethi.Masha Allah. But kihineh mi vy dho? hiba hovenejeheynun. Dhn vaane gotheh balailaa hithun hama mi hury. can’t wait. konme kamehvx vaany rangalhakah dho soo lets hope for the best, sis next part tuesday ga genesdheynvy nun eid gift eh gothah if you can.. May allah bless you sis. Ly>3


    • Jana
      July 18, 2021 @ 8:58 am

      Aan dho Ibaa? Hiba ehaa molhah hushahelheema hovenvaane. Jana ves can’t wait to write ingey. YES hurihaa kameh ves vaany emme rangalhah!

      In Sha Allah Jana eba try kuran veehaaves avahakah liyeveytho mifaharu. Ekam promise eh nukuran ingey. Try kuraanan eh dhuvas kurin genesdheveytho. May Allah bless you too. Love you! <3


  3. Jana
    July 18, 2021 @ 9:00 am

    English Post:

    “Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding. (190) Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], “Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire. (191)” Surah Ale-Imran, 190-191
    These ayahs + a beautiful scenery = Best COMBO! 😍


  4. Jana
    July 18, 2021 @ 9:01 am

    English Post:

    “Allah does not delay a matter except for good. Allah does not deprive you of anything except for good. And He does not make you cry except for good. He does not send calamity upon you except for good. So do not be sad, every matter has good” (Author unknown)

    No doubt in Your Hands is all good Ya Rabb! And no doubt You are Capable of all things!


  5. Jana
    July 18, 2021 @ 9:01 am

    Dhivehi Post:

    ހަމަކަށަވަރުން، އުޑުތަކާއި ބިން ހެއްދެވުމުގައްޔާއި ރޭދުވާ ތަފާތުވުމުގައި، ބުއްދީގެ އަހުލުވެރިންނަށް ކަށަވަރުވެގެންހުރި ހެކިތަކެއްވެއެވެ. (190) އެއުރެންނީ، ކޮޅަށް ތިބެގެންނާއި، އިށީނދެތިބެގެންނާއި، އޮށޯވެތިބެގެން، اللَّه ހަނދުމަކޮށް، އުޑުތަކާއި ބިން ހެއްދެވުމާމެދު، ފިކުރުކޮށް އުޅޭމީހުންނެވެ. (އެއުރެން ދަންނަވާނެއެވެ.) އަޅަމެންގެ ވެރިރަސްކަލާކޮ! އިބަރަސްކަލާނގެ މިތަކެތި ހައްދަވާފައިވަނީ، باطل ގޮތެއްގައެއް ނޫނެވެ. އިބަރަސްކަލާނގެ ހުސްޠާހިރު ވަންތަކަމާއެވެ! ފަހެ، ނަރަކައިގެ ޢަޒާބުން އަޅަމެން ރައްކާތެރިކުރައްވާނދޭވެ! (191)
    ސޫރަތް އާލު ޢިމްރާން، 190-191

    އުފަލަކީ….މި އާޔަތްތަކާއިމެދު ވިސްނަމުން ޤުދުރަތީ ރީތި މަންޒަރުތަކަށް ބެލުން 🥰


  6. Jana
    July 18, 2021 @ 9:02 am

    Dhivehi Post:

    “ހެވެއް އޮވެގެން މެނުވީ ﷲ ކަމެއް ލަސްނުކުރައްވައެވެ. ހެވެއް އޮވެގެން މެނުވީ އެކަލާނގެ ތިބާ ކަމަކުން މަޙްރޫމް ނުކުރައްވައެވެ. ހެވެއް އޮވެގެން މެނުވީ އެކަލާނގެ ތިބާ ކަމަކާއިމެދު ރޮއްވާ ނުލައްވައެވެ. ހެވެއް އޮވެގެން މެނުވީ އެކަލާނގެ ތިބާއަށް މުޞީބާތެއް ނުޖައްސަވައެވެ. އެހެންކަމުން ދެރަ ނުވާށެވެ. ކޮންމެ ކަމެއްގައިވެސް ހެވެއްވެއެވެ.” (ނަން ނޭނގޭ ލިޔުންތެރިއެއްގެ ބަސްކޮޅެއް)

    ހަމަ ޔަޤީނުންވެސް ހުރިހާ ހެވެއްވަނީ އިބަރަސްކަލާނގެ ޤުދުރަތްފުޅުގައެވެ. އަދި ހަމަ ޔަޤީނުންވެސް އިބަރަސްކަލާނގެ ހުރިހާ ކަމެއްގެ މައްޗަށް ކުޅަދުންވަންތަވެ ވޮޑިގެންވަމުއެވެ.


  7. Aayaa
    July 18, 2021 @ 9:59 am

    alhey. hiba swis ah fonuvahchey siss. and eethan vaahaka dhakkaigen hiba ah dhevey goeh fahun hadhaane kanneyge dhw. i hope ehen vaane kamah. and hiba and aasif marry nukuruvahchey. plx plx plx plx plx.
    by the way story v v v v reethi ma sha Allah. thabaarakallah.. i love this storyy.. keep going siss..❤💖✨


    • Jana
      July 19, 2021 @ 8:46 am

      Aaya ge thi msg Ethan ah foaru kohdheveytho eba balan ingey. hehe….Hiba ah ves ehaa burakoh masakkaiy kureema ehcheh libenvaanethaa dho? Asif hadhaa gotheh balamaa.

      Alhamdhulillah! Jazaakillah Khairan for the support sis <3 <3 <3


  8. 💜
    July 18, 2021 @ 1:48 pm

    Asif ge kameh kahneyge.. komme akas stry vrh rythi ngey sis 😊 waiting for the next part curiously ❤


    • Jana
      July 19, 2021 @ 8:49 am

      hmm…..Asif ge varah goas gotheh eba hurey dho? balamaa eyna kuri kamehtho nuvatha noontho. Next part Wednesday ga In Sha Allah ^_^


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