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  1. Jana
    December 31, 2022 @ 4:32 pm

    Assalaam’alaikum readers! <3 Feels so good to write a decent length of an episode after so long Alhamdhulillah! :') In Sha Allah will upload the next episode coming Wednesday.

    About the posts, this is how I plan to catch up on them. As the first thing, I will be completing the Salaah series and it has only two episodes left. And then I will be starting a new series on emotional healing which is almost all the messages that I covered in the story Dhaaris. And it includes much of the lessons in this story as well but I do plan to write separate posts for this story In Sha Allah.

    Much love readers! Missed you so much! <3 <3 <3


  2. Ibaa
    January 2, 2023 @ 11:38 am

    Alhamdulialhi! Soo glad that you’re back..Hope you’re doing well sis..Masha Allah your stories are just amazing as always..Keep going sis.Much love dear.
    Missed you a lot<3<3


    • Jana
      January 4, 2023 @ 4:05 pm

      Soo happy to hear from you after a long time sis :’) I’m doing well Alhamdhulillah! Hope you are too. <3

      Jazaakillah Khairan kaseeran for the support <3


  3. I love this story
    February 4, 2023 @ 7:41 am

    I love this story ! Story varah reethi 💕❤️


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