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  1. Jana
    November 14, 2022 @ 4:50 pm

    Salaam kiyuntherin! Dhen oiy bai Thursday ga In Sha Allah ^_^ Mi bai lasvi kamahttakai vvv bodah maafah edhen. Mihaaru writing pace fudheyvarakah rangalhu vejje. In Sha Allah still trying my best to get back to posts. Do remember me in your duas.

    May Allah make iman beloved to us, and beautify it in our hearts, and make disbelief, corruption and disobedience hateful to us, and make us among the righteous. Ameen!

    Much love readers! <3 <3 <3


  2. SHA♡
    November 14, 2022 @ 6:31 pm

    Was waiting for thissss!! Thank youu for updatingg ..
    Love you too Jana sis…
    U’re just an inspiration to us all..
    A motivator who motivates us to do good…
    And yesss will always remember to keep u in my duas…

    May Allah bless you.. 🤍✨


  3. 🫶
    November 15, 2022 @ 6:24 am

    Kyve tha ehaa lahun up kurany


  4. I love this story
    November 20, 2022 @ 2:28 pm

    I love this story 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


  5. Jana
    November 21, 2022 @ 12:29 pm

    Salaam readers! I think I need to take a break from writing to do some self-reflection on why I’m getting too stuck with the writer’s block recently. I honestly do not want to ruin this current story of mine since its close to my heart too. And I do want to get back to writing the story and posts regularly as well. Please do remember me in your duas that I’m able to do it soon again.

    Sincere apologies for this readers. Will be informing when I will upload the next episode on Thursday next week.
    Jazaakumullah Khairan for the support. Much love! ❤


  6. Jana
    November 27, 2022 @ 4:51 pm

    Salaam readers! Please note that I will be resuming the story in the last week of December In Sha Allah. I realize that this maybe disappointing to hear. However I do feel that I need time to catch up on work that piled up due to me getting sick for almost a month within this year, which kind of never happened before. It honestly was an illness that carried with it the reminder for me that indeed its Allah Who is in Control, no matter what we do. That at the end of the day, its Allah Who cures no matter the treatments we try to get.

    Alhamdhulillah I’ve been better over the past few weeks. But like I’m saying I’m not able to give the story its full due because of my other responsibilities being piled up. Only when I do address all the pending works, will I be able to give the story the attention it deserves. I have a goal of making a routine of writing within this time I’m getting for myself too In Sha Allah.

    Hope you understand dear readers. Will miss your love and support much. Will be remembering you in my duas In Sha Allah. Much love and Jazaakumullah Khairan! ❤ ❤ ❤



    • A human being
      December 1, 2022 @ 1:30 pm

      Reading Jana’s comment makes me so happy and relieved. We don’t see this very often in our writers community here in Maldives. I’m so proud of this author for courageously letting the readers know that she needed a break. This is something very much real. Writers go through this at least once in their lifetime but I’m not sure if most of us are very awared of this thing known as ‘writer’s/author’s block’. It might seem to the public as the writer is being lazy or is not responsible enough to publish the chapters regularly but the struggle is real. Trying to create new scenes that aren’t boring and just basically, not being able to think of something that’s fascinating enough to include in the story.

      I’m so happy for you and proud of you Jana, for taking this break. You must’ve needed it very much. And it’s okay to take a break. We, as readers would try our best to be more understanding.🤍


      • Jana
        December 22, 2022 @ 11:01 am

        Subhaanallah! This comment truly touched my heart as I was trying to get over my burnout. Thank you so much for understanding, a human being. I too, had the urge to just disappear without saying a word but didn’t want to leave the readers hanging.

        Alhamdhulillah the break really helped me a lot. Now I’m going to resume writing like I used to In Sha Allah. May Allah always keep us consistent with the good deeds we do. Ameen!


  7. Magnolia
    December 4, 2022 @ 5:43 am

    Shafakillah wa afaaki dear 🥰


    • Jana
      December 22, 2022 @ 11:01 am

      Jazaakillah Khairan! ^_^ <3


  8. Jana
    December 22, 2022 @ 11:02 am

    Salaam readers! Long time no see 😃 Please note that I’ll be resuming the episodes of Qadar starting from 30th December In Sha Allah. Missed you lots! 😊 Much love! ❤ ❤ ❤


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