How should we give advice to each other?
The word ‘Wasiyyah’ in the Arabic language means an advice given by a person on a death bed. Allah uses a form of that word (thawaasau) to describe how we as believers are supposed to give advice to each other. What does that tell us?
It tells us that we should be loving when we give advice to one another. That the advice that we give should be selfless and none of the words slip out of our tongues except out of extreme care. That we should never give some advice to our fellow brothers and sisters in a way that would hurt them. Because at the end of the day, none of us would wish anyone were hurt because of us on the day we lie on our death bed. We would say whatever we say out of extreme care for the ones around us. And none of the words we say would be to gain anything of this world. Rather, it would be said with the pure intention of gaining something in the Akhirah.
This is how we are supposed to be when giving advice to our brothers and sisters even when we are living our daily lives. Subhaanallah!