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  1. Jana
    September 8, 2021 @ 3:11 pm

    Hear me out readers! Lately I’ve been having a major change in my schedule and I’m only able to free up very little time for writing. This is the reason why I’m only able to upload the story and not the posts (which I know many of you look forward to). I too desperately want to write the posts and continue with the salaah series as I write the story In Sha Allah. Moreover, there are somethings I need to fix on the website too especially now that I notice that its speed is very slow these days.

    So this is what I have decided dear readers. I will be uploading the story only on Wednesdays for the time being. In return, the episodes will be longer while at the same time you will be getting posts to read In Sha Allah.

    I know I ask for this a lot these days but have to ask you for your understanding once again. I want writing stories and delivering beneficial messages for my readers to be something that I enjoy doing. Rather than seeing it as a burden. Even more so, I do not want to burnout and give up on this beautiful journey either. Like it happened to me once over the past years.

    Much love for my dear readers who show me their continuous support, through my ups and downs. I sure hope I am able to benefit you, just as so many of you benefit me with your knowledge and your own stories of your own struggles. May we all meet in Jannatul Firdaus one day. Ameen! ❤


    • Aayaa
      September 8, 2021 @ 3:43 pm

      It’s okay siss. I understood..


      • Jana
        September 15, 2021 @ 4:05 pm

        Subhaanallah such an encouraging comment! Love you sis <3


  2. Aayaa
    September 8, 2021 @ 3:40 pm

    Ma sha Allah ❤️


    • Jana
      September 15, 2021 @ 4:05 pm

      <3 <3 <3


  3. kokko
    September 8, 2021 @ 4:18 pm

    just do what u must sis
    we’ll always stay as great fans of u sis
    masha allah varah salhi mi part vs


    • Jana
      September 15, 2021 @ 4:07 pm

      Subhaanallah I had this comment in my head as I was working through my workload and stress within the past week. So encouraging and loving! <3 Jazaakillah Khairan kaseeran for you dear readers for the tremendous support. Alhamdhulillah! <3 <3 <3


  4. Anonymous
    September 15, 2021 @ 12:00 pm

    why did you delete part 28?


    • Jana
      September 15, 2021 @ 4:08 pm

      I didn’t, Anonymous. Perhaps it was a technical error. Hope you see it now.


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